Thursday, July 26, 2018

Fabulist Fables begins...

I've begun the process of building a website. Fabulist Fables. It's my dream in virtual form. Taking the process of storytelling and making it both tool and product in the quest for context and collaboration in this world of ours.

The hardest part is siphoning the thousand of thoughts I have down into a singular mission. I went deep into debt studying the concept of mission and vision, as it pertains to an organization, so I'll be damned if the only thing keeping me from my dream is my own thought process.

Fables: a fictitious narrative or statement.
Fabulist: a creator or writer of fables...or a liar.

Fabulist Fables. It's redundant. It's alliterative. It's cheeky. At least it is to me! Okay, first of all, the idea that "telling a story" is "telling a lie", strikes me as overly literal and abundantly hyperbolic. With that in mind, the idea of celebrating the telling of a fables and the fabulist themselves is a necessary way to remind ourselves that stories are meant to compel; NOT repel.

Fabulist Fables. I want it to be a welcoming, inspirational space for storytellers and story-obtainers alike. A place where words, visuals, and thoughts all coalesce. A place to grow and a place to rest. A place for telling stories, discovering stories, and creating brand new ideas that will one day become unique stories.

It's a workshop; a playhouse; a storytellers' club.

For now it's a website. I'd LOVE to have a physical space one day, but hey, let's start here.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

My List

At some point, a friend told me to write a list. Some time after that I began a list. Now I don't remember who that friend was or why I was in need of advice that elicited this list suggestion. Now a days I make lists on anything that I can use a pen or pencil on. Gone are the days when I had one singular journal that housed all of my thoughts, (I have a stack of 9 or 10 from those days on shelf), now I have small notebooks, stacks of loose papers of all colors and sizes, and accompanying doodles that would probably fill a thick sketch pad at this point.

But back to making a list. Here's what's on my list:

-Work on one of the many novels I've started
-Collaborate with my sister to create a Graphic Novel
-Start a business with my sisters.
-Write and produce my own music
-Finish those portraits of my roommates from four years ago
-Read books again, because somehow I don't anymore??
-Open up my Etsy business
-Write/Collaborate a comic that features an autobiographical superhero
-DM a campaign!
-Write and publish an RPG on Kickstarter
-Live much closer to all of my family
-Finish and send out my full length Play
-Write One acts and receive royalties on them

It's a lot and I've made peace with the fact that there are several careers packed into that list. I've also made a deal with myself that I will be okay as long as I am always trying for at least two of these items at any given time.

What's on your list?