Friday, December 20, 2013

Paper Moose Tutorial!!

Today I'll be showing you how to make a moose out of a paper bag!

 You Will Need:

<<<1 Paper Bag 
(any size depending on how big you want your moose to be! I chose a medium size shopping bag.)

1 Pair of Scissors

Step 1>>>

-Open the bottom of the bag.

It's nearly impossible to do without making some rips but don't worry, this will not do any harm to your moose :)

<<<Step 2

 <Starting at the original top of the bag, cut the side of the bag to about the halfway point.
<Repeat on opposite side.

<<<Cut the same length on the front and back of the bag.

<<<You should end up with your bag looking like this :)

(We are viewing the original bottom of the bag in this picture) 

Step 3 >>>

-Gather one of the four "legs" and twist being careful not to tear it from the rest of the bag.

<<<When you repeat for all four "legs" this is what you will end up with!

Next, turn the bag around to the original bottom of the bag.
 <<<Step 4

Cut along the broad side of the bag to just past halfway.

Step 5
Crumple one end of the bag inward to form the Moose Butt :)
Don't smash it down TOO much...Nobody likes flat-assed Moose.
 Step 6

Gather the center of the moose and scrunch it in a bit to give the moose waist some shape.
(shown below)
At any given point feel free to go back and re-twist previously twisted areas to make sure they hold their form! Always being careful not to tear. 
Step 7

Holding both sides together, cut along the middle as shown below.
<<<Step 8

Gather the "neck" area tightly but do not twist. I left a little fluff in the front "chest" area because Moose are majestic creatures and they deserve puffy chests.

<<<Step 9

Crumple front end inward to form snout. A majestic snout, of course; full and not too smashed. Much like the Moose Butt.
<<<Step 10

You have two pieces left on the head. Pull them apart to the either side. Pull one flat and cut as shown below.

Step 11

Twist the antlers (like the legs) as seen below.
 Repeat on both antlers and they should look something like this:

 And voila!!! You now have your very own majestic Moose!

Love him/her well and place in a prominent spot so his/her majesty can bless your home.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Christmas is coming!

I crocheted these snowflakes last year to decorate my little apartment in Jackson. Tonic and I were extremely motivated when it came to re-decorating for the season!

These are a very fun, rather easy crochet project for beginners. Just like real snowflakes, each one is unique and lovely!

As you can see I hung two up on my closet doors. I love the white on white!

I also got my jewelry wall up and running! I tend to collect LOTS of earrings. So it helps to have more than one method of storing/displaying them.

I found the two mini set of shutters at a place called N.U.T.S. in Jackson and brought them with me to Seattle because they are SO unique!

I didn't restore them very much. I simply knocked off some of the loose chips of white paint, (as you can see one was peeling more than the other) and voila! I love them.

I also love that my new room is sporting giant shutter doors for my closet! What a lovely surprise!

Have fun getting ready for christmas! I have more ideas for decorating so hopefully there will be more to see very soon! 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Disappointment Abounds

Depressing title for a post, I know, but I promise not to actually be depressing.

I HAVE been feeling blue of late and it all started with the midnight premier of "Catching Fire" in a little city called Jackson, Mississippi: where I was not.

Last year some of my best friends and I went to the midnight premier of Hunger games and, pretty much, it was one of my favorite memories of college.

We dressed up, got in the local news, had several kids take pictures with us. It was magical.

If you want to see pictures and a VIDEO of our fantasticalness go check out my amazing friend's blog where she writes about it!

Now my point to all of this is that I have been either too busy, too sick, or too lacking in driving capabilities to go see "Catching Fire" myself and it's put my in a down-right awful mood.

But as I wake up this morning, to eery fog and a mysterious lack of light, I find myself needing to be thankful (BOOYA THANKSGIVING YO!); thankful for the friends I shared that excellent november evening with last year; for friends who take pictures leaving a space for me even though I can't be there; for the entirely new situation I find myself in this year; for a job and a room and a home and family and all the things we always say when it comes time to go around the table.

These things I AM thankful for.



Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cats, Birds, and Dolls

Isn't it weird how difficult it can be to convince yourself to write out something that is coherent and informative when all you want to do is take in information? Like netflix.....pinterest.....general Facebook browsing.....

Anyway. Here I am again, long overdue; and I have several little projects going but I can't say much because most of them are christmas presents!!! So shut up and don't ask me.

Here's a couple of things I CAN show you:

1. My "Doll-Bird" garland!! I wanted something to hang behind my bed and saw this lovely pin, but I didn't want naturally I started folding bunches of birds :)

I folded them from pages of an old book I have that is beyond reading....then I saw the book of vintage fashion paper dolls that my wonderful friend E. gave me for my birthday and decided they needed to join the birds :)

Here you can see the Dolls and Birds mingling like cheeky little divas....

Next up: "Cat Mirror!!"

So basically I was a cat for halloween two years ago and I was really proud of these ears I had hand stitched that can be slid onto any head band for insta-cat.

I was unpacking my few belongings and found them pressed between some old college papers and decided they needed a place of honor.

I popped them on top of the tiny mirror I bought from goodwill (that was begging for some sprucing up anyway) and I fell in love with my "Cat Mirror"

Finally we have my "Windowsill Project":

As you can see I'm not showing much because this project is incomplete and fairly inconclusive so far.

Basically I have a HUMONGO window and windowsill that is the width of the room and half the height. My dreams for this window include gorgeous lace curtains, framed photos, and lovely little accents here and there...

I've been gathering frames I like from various goodwills and choosing photos I've never had the opportunity to print before now; slowly I am gathering a little army of framed photos that I will be able to look at every day in my little room! You can also probably see the outline of one of my Spooky Trees...this one is a miniature one.

There you have it! A few of the projects that keep me happy and content in a busy life. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Latest and Greatest

Quick Update:

I've been working a lot which is fantastic, (and improves my cleaning skills exponentially).

I've also officially entered into the professional world of theatre auditions; and I LOVE it. Feels so familiar and like another home. So add that to the list of places I feel most comfortable: Airports, Hotels, Audition Rooms.

Through one of these auditions I was recently CAST!!! So here goes nothing! I am a part of the cast of Seattle Dinner Detectives. A franchise that provides audiences with an evening of dinner, detective-work, and general delight. I cannot wait for my first show.

fun halloween/fall craft! trees from paper bags!

I've moved into my own place, which was a very fortunate happenstance. I love having my own space and since moving in I have found the right side of my brain overflowing with motivation and ideas.

I'm off to do some work on a couple of collaborative projects that have been (and probably will be) in the works for a while. My part for both of them involves that's what I'm gonna go do. Write.
