Saturday, January 12, 2013

Best Supporting

I went and saw Silver Linings Playbook with one of my roommates, mostly in order to help her towards her quest of viewing all the films nominated for "Best Motion Picture".

Also, I went because I honestly was surprised by how many nominations this thing received. When the film was over my first thought was, yes, Bradley Cooper did a stunning job, revealing a side of him as an actor that I haven't seen before. TOTALLY deserves an oscar for his work.

My second thought was, Jennifer Lawrence did a lovely job as well, but I won't be heartbroken at all if she doesn't win Best Actress.

BUT it was my roommate that made the most excellent observation (in my opinion) as we were driving home: the supporting cast was simply perfection in this movie!

Without that kind of excellence filling every nook and cranny of the film, who's to say how many people would have watched it and lost interest at points? Instead, De Niro's small moments with his son became monumental and my personal favorites!

Being in a supporting role, in any capacity, is not stepping OUT of the limelight. It isn't a conscious decision to be less recognized. It is a choice to take MORE responsibility. It means, you're not only looking out for yourself, but you are REQUIRED to push others around you to look better.

I love supporting my fellow artists. I love being responsible. I like directing, advising, supervising. I have no pretentious beliefs that it makes me look good. Instead it makes me completely culpable WHEN things go wrong, it makes me tired and cranky. But at the end of the day, I know I've done something outside of myself, which means I've done something worthwhile.

The supporting role is not to be looked down on or simply treated as dirty work. On the contrary, earning recognition in that position shows true dedication, determination, and selfless application to the craft.

So here's to dedicating myself wholly to the various crafts and projects ahead of me this year!
I hope it encourages you as well.

1 comment:

  1. Love how much our conversation on the way to Malco ended up relating to this post. You're going to kick this semester in the teeth!
