Isn't it weird how difficult it can be to convince yourself to write out something that is coherent and informative when all you want to do is take in information? Like netflix.....pinterest.....general Facebook browsing.....
Anyway. Here I am again, long overdue; and I have several little projects going but I can't say much because most of them are christmas presents!!! So shut up and don't ask me.
Here's a couple of things I CAN show you:
1. My "Doll-Bird" garland!! I wanted something to hang behind my bed and saw
this lovely pin, but I didn't want naturally I started folding bunches of birds :)
I folded them from pages of an old book I have that is beyond reading....then I saw the book of vintage fashion paper dolls that my wonderful friend E. gave me for my birthday and decided they needed to join the birds :)
Here you can see the Dolls and Birds mingling like cheeky little divas....
Next up: "Cat Mirror!!"
So basically I was a cat for halloween two years ago and I was really proud of these ears I had hand stitched that can be slid onto any head band for insta-cat.
I was unpacking my few belongings and found them pressed between some old college papers and decided they needed a place of honor.
I popped them on top of the tiny mirror I bought from goodwill (that was begging for some sprucing up anyway) and I fell in love with my "Cat Mirror"

Finally we have my "Windowsill Project":
As you can see I'm not showing much because this project is incomplete and fairly inconclusive so far.
Basically I have a HUMONGO window and windowsill that is the width of the room and half the height. My dreams for this window include gorgeous lace curtains, framed photos, and lovely little accents here and there...
I've been gathering frames I like from various goodwills and choosing photos I've never had the opportunity to print before now; slowly I am gathering a little army of framed photos that I will be able to look at every day in my little room! You can also probably see the outline of one of my
Spooky Trees...this one is a miniature one.
There you have it! A few of the projects that keep me happy and content in a busy life.