Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Gin, Jane and Jasper

I'm putting together a schedule/list of activities for my very special upcoming birthday. I'm turning 25 and wanted to make it memorable, social and a sort of milestone as 25 feels like an important one to me.

The plan has, for a while now, been to have an all-day crawl starting with Coffee, moving on to Books, and ending in Pubs :)

So far lots of people are interested, and regardless of how many people can make it, I know it will make a good day.

Reflecting on some of the things I love most is one of my favorite things to do. Favorite books, movies, authors, drinks, etc...for one I love making lists, and for two I love recalling the memories attached to each "favorite".

Here are a few of my favorite things and the memories attached:

"Gin and Tonic"
Currently my favorite cocktail
*When I first tasted Gin, I hated it.  But - I reasoned - it's basically my namesake drink...I immediately resolved to learn to love it...and for once that worked! Now I love the fresh taste. Plus, it always reminds me of a particularly involved evening of laughter, tears, drinking and revelry with my two roommates a few years back. You two know who you are.

"Jane Eyre"
Favorite Book
*this should come as no surprise to anyone who knows me. I read this book once a year, I practically revere Jane, and I find new and beautiful things in every read....oh yeah and I collect copies of the book :)

"Jasper Fforde"
Favorite Author
*Fforde has become my favorite author over the past few years and has stayed there. He is from Wales, he never attended university, he worked in film and he writes stories that are humorous, heartfelt, fantastical, and believable in the most wacky sense. Also his subject matter has included Jane Eyre, alternate realities, literary love, JMW Turner, and dodos. I'm a huge fan and I still retain a spot of misery for not being able to attend a booksigning when he was here in Seattle. Hopefully next time...

I have more - who doesn't? - but let's leave it at that.


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