Thursday, August 18, 2016

For here and for now...

I am going to post again...because I am embarking on my next adventure, which is Grad School. 
Also, writing regularly is objectively a good thing. 
Also, I want to write my memoirs one day and have been lately very inspired to get things started in that department.
My current state of residence is as follows: Seattle, WA, specifically on a sketchy street on Capitol Hill - 

I don't exactly know when the above was written but it had to have been in the last year! I am still living on said-sketchy street on Capitol Hill, I am halfway through my Grad program, and I am in a consistent state of panic and numbness.

A friend once got me onto the idea of what we will all title our autobiographies one day. Besides the initial fun of coming up with the title, the concept has stuck with me over the past couple of years.

In case you are wondering, it will be called "Lasagna Girl", potentially with an added qualifier, because I am the queen of self-qualifying :) The story of this title will have to wait for another post...

...over time I've added chapter titles to this autobiography. Again, I'll have to write posts later on detailing the stories behind each, but here are the chapters so far:

-What we Learned from Helens and Ces
-I Had a Twin but She Quit
-My Concern over Book Series and how they Forever Altered my Reading Experience
-You Try hand Try and Try; then you mess up once and THAT is when you would have succeeded...if you had tried.
-I love you Scar Face
-Is that MY Dragon?
-Unintential Punchlines

Today I'd like to share the latest chapter title, and some thoughts on the content:
"My Six-Week Summer"

The six weeks are the ones I am currently inhabiting. You see my grad program has us in school all year-long, so our one break comes in the very middle, for the next six weeks of a particularly beautiful Seattle summer.

Of course, when I say "beautiful", I am speaking strictly of the weather. Not to sound as depressed as I am, but seriously, this is a rough break so far.

I am currently working for a staffing company where the "flexible" schedule means my paycheck is equally "flexible" in content.

I've been unsuccessfully on the job hunt ever since leaving my last Quarter-Time Job several months back. Now that I am on "break", I can devote myself to the task whole-heartedly.

Now allow me to put a lid on the negativity for of moment. Because in all of the aweful that is job-hunt, roommate-hunt (this one ended successfully!), and happiness-hunt...I recently learned three very important very encouraging things about myself.

1. I love routine
2. I love working hard
3. I love financial independence
4. I do not like living alone (this one could change I suppose, depending on where I am in life)

These are things I am willing to bet a LOT of people love/don't like. These are things I should have already KNOWN about myself. Somehow these facts were rather knew to me. They are specifically things of which I have always assumed the opposite.

I thought I hated routine. I thought I was lazy. I thought I liked being taken care of in a lot of ways. And I definitely thought I just wanted to be left alone when it came to home-life.

So I hope there are others who are learning that they're previous self-identifiers are crap. Especially if they are things that you know, deep down, are negative for you.

Sending out all my love and hope. Will be happy to receive in return :)


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