Sunday, July 22, 2012


If you haven't been following the progress of the movie "The Hobbit", maybe you should....especially if film making fascinates/inspires you as much as it does me!

I've been watching all the production blog videos they've made over the past year, and I just re-watched them this morning. Film has always been a number-one source of inspiration to me over the years, but now I'm finding myself trying to decide if that's a direction to pursue FOR REAL.

I had my first ever on-camera acting class last friday and it was brief but enlightening! Essentially it was formatted like an audition, but our instructor Matthew, who is a successful director/film-maker, was very generous in giving us tips, letting us ask questions etc.

What I've found personally, is that the technical aspect of acting on film was slightly baffling to me! I have never had to think about sight-lines before; but suddenly there I was trying desperately to keep my eyes at the same general level, while keeping my performance interesting. I LOVE the subtlety of film acting though. It really puts me back in my comfort zone as a human...whereas theatre for the past few years has really stretched me to become more comfortable OUTSIDE the normal physical realm I'm used to.

We'll have two more classes, which I will share about on this blog when they happen. In fact I have two more weeks of classes PERIOD! Then I'm headed back to Jackson. Bittersweet, as all transitions are by definition. I'm excited to have contacts in the future...there are some really amazing actors in this program, and people I'd LOVE to work with professionally in the future. So it's fun to know we are peers now, and hopefully, not to far from now, we will be collaborating in the "real world" :P

But back to The Hobbit. Because that's really on my mind right now. The production videos have REALLY REALLY reminded me how much I love being immersed in project, 24-7, with clear-set goals, and people worth working with. It gets my heart racing in a way that makes me so incredibly sure of this path in life I've chosen!

Okay, that's all for now.
Have a lovely sunday everyone,

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