Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Letter "E"

I can't help it, I have to start posting now! Today is Saturday, which is a week from the day I get on a plane, so I figure it's an appropriate starting point for this blog.

So, turns out it's not a hoax, I really am enrolled. I am one of 128 students in the summer program. I've been narrowed down into a smaller group which is hereafter forever labeled "E".

A good letter. A strong letter. One that would make any person proud to have it as the first letter of their middle name.

Anywho, I read the email late last night, went to sleep, and promptly proceeded to have a long epic dream involving missing all my orientations, not finding my group, being hated and ostracized for forgetting everything...the usual mind games.

Funnily enough, everything took place in a castle. I think my subconscious is hoping we're taking a ten-week intensive at Hogwarts. Sorry SubCon.
(I will hereafter blame all irrational thoughts, stupid decisions, and mistakes in general on my newly created imaginary personality SubCon.)

Well, I suppose I can't really avoid bad dreams; but no harm done. On the bright side, I made two significant investments yesterday:

A pair of dark green sunglasses for the searing New York Sun. Aaaand......

Shoes that are NOT dying a slow and painful death. These handy-dandy-sandals (how's that for illiteration!) will probably be my best friends this summer as they serve the dual purpose of walking shoes and self-esteem-booster-shoes!

Now, I have to confess, I had grand plans for this blog involving daily poetry inspirations...and stuff. But that's just not gonna happen.

Instead, I am apparently naming imaginary friends, setting the theme of the letter "E", interpreting my nightmares, and in general, freaking out about sunglasses and shoes.

The truth is, I am still mildly terrified of this adventure upon which I am about to embark. And these are the things that keep me sane. It's helping not to take myself TOO seriously. Don't worry, the next post (hopefully) won't be nearly as silly.

So here I come New York City! I've got my sunglasses, my shoes, a deep-rooted fear of not belonging, and quite a lot of people loving me along!

Okay, I'm sorry, I couldn't resist: what is the correlation between an apple and the letter "E"??

Gin out.

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