Monday, January 7, 2013


TV shows are so accessible now that I've completely taken them for granted! Let me explain....

...often I see a trend of there being a negative light shined on TV shows; yes we all love them, but when we sit back and try to explain our lifestyle we mumble for a bit under our breath about free time and relaxation before we admit that they DO suck us in, only to make us into immobile, stupid, and otherwise unhealthy human beings....but that's only for people who watch them ALL the time! (like meee!)

I say all this because I've remembered something that I don't want to forget; and that is what is at the heart of a television series; the same thing that is at the heart of film, theatre, and every performance art: a story.

A single television episode has the unique ability to tell a story in 40 minutes or less, and still achieve an emotional connection with its audience. I take great inspiration from this concept.

How wonderful to find such deep connections with a fictional character that the end of their story makes us want to cry out and say "come back!"

So with that in mind I plunge into the next phase of production. Setting the scene so that each and every moment is poignant, necessary, and supports the story.

As a director this is one of the more terrifying and exhilarating moments of creativity. That moment where you realize that you have the ability to make or break an entire piece, simply by having a flawed vision, or starting it badly, or from then-on-out making every inefficient choice possible.

On the other hand you're playing with something that is practically alive in itself. You're working with real live human beings, in real life places, and you have a story in your head that feels right and important and needs to be shared in the way you see it in your head.

I'm getting on a plane now, and I'll be traveling all day, but I wanted to post something to try and keep up with writing every day.

Make something creative today. It can be small. It can be simple. It can be huge and elaborate. I promise it will be exciting one way or another! And if you need inspiration, go have coffee with a friend, or take a long walk, or browse Pinterest boards, or hey! Watch an episode of your favorite television show. There's a reason they exist and it's my belief that good art speaks for itself.


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