Monday, September 23, 2013


It's always been the case that I get the most done, artistically, late at night....right at that sweet point where my body is exhausted but my mind is firing on all cylinders. It's as if my brain literally paralyses my body so that it can't interfere with the work being done.

I spent my weekend in two parts: during the day I walked around or I journaled or I drank hot beverages or I skyped with a friend; all the things that keep my body busy...not too busy...but occupied;

When night approached I started off by listening to music; then as the music inspired me, I gazed endlessly at Pinterest; finally I pulled up "Gadfly" and wrote....and wrote and wrote and wrote and wrote. And I did this until I couldn't keep my eyes open, which was about three A.M. every night. Thankfully, it being the weekend, I could afford to sleep in the next day.

Well it's paid off because now I have a "working-final-draft" ready to be perused by my peers, acknowledged by my elders, and spat upon by any who should choose to do so.

I'm hoping to have a reading of it soon, and then....perhaps I'll send it out into the world and see if anyone wants to adopt and produce it :)

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