Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Two's-Day Findings!

Okay, so here's out it works: I tell a story. You believe it. That is all.

These handy-dandy electronic devices are spread throughout the great underground system to help weary (or is it wary??!!) travelers on their journey to becoming musicians, actors, and fashionistas...

Some call it Time Square. I call it, my first subway stop on the way to class.

Those are my feet. And that is "The Gap". Deal with it.

These are two empty subway seats next to me. An occurrence rare enough to warrant a photo even if it WASN'T Twos-Day.

Those are some stairs. They're probably magical or something.

Let me introduce you to my new best friends Guy and Gal. We'll probably go have drinks later...after they demand to know why I was taking a picture of them.

These elevators most likely lead to Star Land and Narnia. I'm not sure which is which. And I'll never know for sure, because our studio has told us we MUST TAKE THE STAIRS or Stella's Ghost will probably eat us.

This is the second floor, where all the studios are numbered. The first floor studios are lettered. And the lobby has no studios. Only a troll who guards the front door.

When you put letters in these boxes. They will show up days later in other people's homes!!! I've tried it, it works.

I've never used these. 

TWO WAYS to choose from! Isn't New York City great???

Those are flags. Word.

Two-Tattoos. Or as Much from Robin Hood would say "Two Ta'oos" (See Netflix for further explanation)

Two Cop Cars.

Two tracks. One is empty. One is full. YOU solve the riddle. (disclaimer: not a real riddle at ALL)

I chose track 28. It was a wise choice. I don't know where I would have gone had I chosen track 27. 

And those are my Twos-Day findings! Hope you enjoyed this perspective of the city!

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